Monday, 23 November 2009

More Northumberland photographs...

These have got toi be my favourite 2 shots from the weekend.

The first photograph is of Bamburgh Castle and the second was taken near Dunstanburgh Castle at Canonball Beach.

Bamburgh Castle

Canonball Beach

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Lindisfarne Castle

Lindisfarne Castle

Friday, 13 November 2009

Dawn Photography

My stay in Northumberland was brief, only 3 days so I had to make the most of it.
I had planned my shoot locations using OS maps and photographs as I knew there wouldn't be time for scouting and I needed to make the most of the short time that I had there.

Each morning I got up before 5am and headed down to a location, determined by tide, sunrise and weather to set up by 6.30am, well before sun rise and leaving everyone else fast asleep.
It was freezing (hence huge scarf, coat and hat in the image below), made worse by being on the open coast line with icy cold winds, but it was well worth it as you will see in posts to follow soon.

This gave me further experience in to what landscape photographers go through on a regular basis to get their shots. I was well aware of this, but I had never dedicated a whole holiday to achieving the shots that I wanted or braved such cold weather but I can fully understand why they do it and the satisfaction that they achieve.

You can see two other photographers just below the castle in the image above, but there were about 20 of us out on the beach that morning!

Bamburgh Castle at Dawn

Thursday, 12 November 2009


As we were staying 20 minutes from Seahouses, I though it would be rather rude if we didn't go over to the Farne Isle to see the seals, especially as late October/early November is peak breeding season and there would be plenty of seal pups.

I'm not talking to you...!

The only issue, as per usual, was the weather. The boats wouldn't sail in any more than a force 4-5 and the shipping forecast wasn't looking good for the weekend.
As it turned out, the weather on the Saturday was perfect. The sea was very calm and the wind gentle so we booked a boat.

Grey Seal

There were more seals than I had expected, although I was rather disappointed that most of the pups had been colour marked, which wasn't so pleasing to the eye. Due to the time of season, the Puffins had migrated along with may other sea birds so there wasn't a great deal of variety in the wildlife, but it was still well worth it.

Wait for meeeee!

I'm fairly happy with the shots that I managed to get, but it is very difficult to take shots of wildlife, especially while bobbing up and down on a boat while using very bulky and heavy equipment!

Monday, 9 November 2009

I love this 300mm f2.8 IS USM L!

I can see the mooooooooon!


Any excuse to play with a new lens :)

Thursday, 5 November 2009


Northumberland weekend is finally almost here!

I think I am all set and I have even borrowed a lens from uni; a 300mm f2.8 IS USM L which I can't wait to start using!

I have planned most of the weekend - shoot locations, weather forecasts, routes, walking gear..... fingers crossed the weather doesn't turn at the last moment.

Images to come soon!

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

New Challenges

Having chosen to focus on Landscape and Wildlife photography, I am finding it far more challenging than I had expected.

The main issue that is causing such a hindrance, is the weather.
I am so reliant upon it, that by the time I reach a location for a sunrise, the weather conditions are often unsuitable despite watching the weather forecasts so closely.
This is extremely frustrating as I am unable to get the images that I had set out to accomplish.
It also feels like a complete waste of time, having got up at 5am to travel an hour to a location and set up in time only to be disappointed for reasons out of my control.

I also feel that I had previously under estimated the necessity of using filters for landscapes.
ND grad and ND filters, I know know are essential for shots and I needed much stronger ones than I had.
This has resulted in spending nearly £40 on two pieces of resin (glass) that are about 4"x4" which seems a little excessive, but after seeing the difference, I don't feel so bad about spending the money.

So, I have learnt a few essential things so far and I am sure there are plenty more to learn too, but I am getting there and enjoying the process.

Blog Archive

About Me...

Photographer based in Dawlish, Devon. I'm available for weddings, portraits and commissions.

Please see my website for further details.

* Please note that all images in this blog are © Eleanor Stobbart unless stated otherwise. Please do not use these images without the permission of the copyright owner. *