There is a monthly social meet & greet for professional photographers in Exeter. This is mainly based around twitter users under the hash tag
#ExeterTogUp and is organised by
This on evening was a little different to the usual pub drinks -
@SnappySnaps (Exeter) had kindly given us the use of their studio so that we could all test the equipment and facilities available, as it will soon be available for hire.
This meant that some photographers, whose work doesn't normally involve studios could have a go with the equipment and others who do and have used this kind of equipment before, could see how suitable the set up may be for future opportunities.
We also had a local lens hire company there -
@LensFettish (based in Newton Abbot). They brought along a selection of lenses for us to test from wide angles to tilt & shift lenses that are not so widely owned.
I made cupcakes :) and sourced the model - Oda Sonju. She is a relatively new model but was brilliant, had a great personality as you can see for the shots below and was not phased by several photographers shooting her at once.
Here are a few of my shots from the evening...