Tuesday, 8 January 2013

What Lights Beneath

In the past, I have experimented with different kinds of low light photography and I particularly enjoy light painting. This is something that takes quite a bit of practice and there are so many different light sources available and different effects that can be produced. I find that light painting works best at a location where features around you can be lit up and brought out of the darkness, adding some interest to the photograph, so I chose to do these test shots in the arches beneath an old bridge.

I have both of these light sources for light painting before but I have never combined them with flash, so this was the challenge of the evening. I wasn't looking for perfect light trails and patterns as this was for experimental purposes only but I was quite pleased with the results so thought I would share them with you.

Urban Glow

Under The Bridge

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About Me...

Photographer based in Dawlish, Devon. I'm available for weddings, portraits and commissions.

Please see my website for further details.

* Please note that all images in this blog are © Eleanor Stobbart unless stated otherwise. Please do not use these images without the permission of the copyright owner. *